Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jom Namakan MPV baru Proton!

PROTON Holdings Berhad have launched a nationwide contest to name its first multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) which will be introduced early next year. Describing it as the first home-grown MPV, PROTON is calling for all Malaysians to name the vehicle via an SMS and online contest starting 8 September and ending 30th of September.

Before you get started, here's what they can tell about the Proton MPV.

It is comfortable: It means more leg rooms, more space to carry your luggage and most of all it is a car for the entire family to travel in.

It is affordable: Malaysians love value-for-money and Proton MPV is giving Malaysians just that!

Jom, ada masa lagi sekarang ni untuk join. Sambil lepak-lepak takde kerja tu baik fikirkan nama yang best untuk MPV ni. Bagi la nama yang vogue d vass gitu baru la terpilih kot. Klik sini untuk ke laman web pertandingan.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tanda - tanda Lailatul Qadar

Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda dalam hadis muttafaq 'alaih daripada Abu Hurairah yang rtinya : Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam Lailatul Qadar penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan akan diampun baginya dosa yang telah lalu.

Antara tanda-tanda dalam mengetahui malam Lailatul Qadar adalah berdasarkan beberapa hadis di bawah :

  • Abi Ibnu Ka'ab telah meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda mengenai Lailatul Qadar yang ertinya : Sesungguhnya matahari yang keluar pada hari itu tidak begitu bercahaya (suram) - Hadis riwayat Imam Muslim dalam kitab Puasa -

  • Telah diriwayatkan daripada Nabi S.A.W bahawa baginda telah bersabda yang ertinya : Sesungguhnya tanda-tanda Lailatul Qadar, bahawa malamnya bersih suci seolah-olah padanya bulan yang bersinar, tenang sunyi, tidak sejuk padanya dan tidak panas, tiada ruang bagi bintang untuk timbul sehingga Subuh, dan sesungguhnya tanda-tandanya matahari pada paginya terbit sama tiada baginya cahaya seperti bulan malam purnama tidak membenarkan untuk syaitan keluar bersamanya pada hari itu. - Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad dengan isnad jayyid daripada Ibadah bin As-Somit -

  • Dalam Mu'jam At-Tobarani Al-Kabir daripada Waailah bin Al-Asqa' daripada Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang artinya : Malam Lailatul Qadar bersih, tidak sejuk, tidak panas, tidak berawan padanya, tidak hujan, tidak ada angin, tidak bersinar bintang dan daripada alamat siangnya terbit matahari dan tiada cahaya padanya (suram).

  • Telah meriwayat Al-Barraz dalam musnadnya daripada Ibn Abbas bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda yang ertinya : Malam Lailatul Qadar bersih tidak panas dan tidak pula sejuk.
  • Qadhi 'Iyad telah mengatakan ada dua pendapat mengenai matahari yang terbit tanpa cahaya iaitu:
  1. Ia merupakan tanda penciptaan Allah SWT.

  2. Menunjukkan bahawa kerana terlalu banyak para malaikat yang berzikir kepada Allah pada malamnya dan mereka turun ke bumi yang menyebabkan sayap-sayap dan tubuh mereka yang halus menutupi dan menghalangi matahari dan cahayanya.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ramadhan Extra - Power of Googling

Nothing could be more surprise for me and Fadhil to see Fathi went to his workplace as early as 7.30am today. It was very unusual scene for me. But that’s what we called the spirit of Hari Raya. Go to the workplace early, finished up everything as much as you can, returned home, take a short nap, wake up, berbuka, watch football until late night (except me), sleep as much as you can, sahur, take a short nap and the list repeating until the end of Thursday.

As for 'malam Jumaat', I think everybody will sing joyfully the Raya songs, packing their bags with something that they already bought for their parents or families, clean up their bikes or cars, or maybe go find some additional kuih raya or gifts, for moms especially. Dads won’t care if we don’t give anything for them. ‘Just make sure you returned home safe’. My father reminded me last time.

Raya will come very soon. And most of us can’t hardly wait for Friday. I, myself doesn’t really know what on earth I’m doing right now in UKM. I’ve settled up everything last week. So busy until no one would dare to talk to me. Seriously. Maybe because when I’m quiet, everybody would think that I’m so 'garang'. Is it true? This happened to one of Fathi’s friends whom I didn’t know her name.

But to fulfill the requirement as a GRA, I’ve to at least show off my face or maybe ‘sengih’ to one of the lecturers there or most of all to my supervisor. No, I’m not that good. The real things is if I’ve a car, I will just make my way to my lovely hometown down south of Bangi on Saturday or even Friday last week. To wait for my sister for this coming Friday is the hardest thing for me. Just like what people said, penantian satu penyeksaan. And this really happened to me.

So to make my time in UKM ‘valuable’, I surf the internet, googling, blogging, IMing, and explore everything from Youtube and even Xtube and Redtube. Wow! My eyes are going to swollen by now. And to find these pictures on the internet my make day worth. Thanks to the power of googling.

White in the middle of blue as in Chelsea.

Fathi, this is candid, but you don't have to be too serious! Take it easy boy.

While Shafik and Fadhil are busy listening to tazkirah, Fathi make use of this time to pick his nose. Show some manners please.

P/S: These pictures are taken by Mr. Photographer during the Pot Luck last Saturday. It's Pot Luck not Port Luck as in the email sent to you.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jom Shopping Raya!

Tinggal lebih kurang seminggu sahaja lagi kita akan menyambut kedatangan bulan Syawal. Bulan kemenangan umat Islam selepas berjaya berpuasa selama sebulan di bulan Ramadhan. Sejauh mana kita ‘berjaya’ terpulang kepada diri masing-masing kerana ia hanya di antara kita dan Tuhan. Berat di lidah untuk mengatakan saya mengakui bahawa tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini, tahun ini merupakan tahun yang paling kurang saya melaksanakan solat terawih (sebenarnya mcm lebih kurang tahun lepas je). Tambahan pula saya perlu menunaikan permintaan kawan-kawan saya yang menjemput saya berbuka puasa di restoran itu ini dan ada pula di rumah sewa masing-masing. Jadi ini menyebabkan masa saya untuk bersiap ke solat terawih terganggu dan saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak pergi (salah org lain la ni).

Tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, sebagai seorang pelajar yang banyak masa lapang dan sedikit sebanyak duit JPA dan FaMa, tahun ini masa untuk pergi ‘shopping’ bersama teman tapi mesra dan kawan-kawan lain langsung tiada. Sudahlah kekeringan wang akibat terlebih bajet di bulan sebelumnya, saya juga perlu menyimpan sedikit wang untuk barang yang dah lama diimpikan sempena kedatangan lebaran ini. Tambahan pula saya seorang yang tidak suka menaiki komuter yang penuh sesak dengan segala macam bau dan ragam (terutama laluan Midvalley – Serdang). Maka ini menyukarkan saya untuk pergi shopping terutama bersama kaum-kaum hawa ke area Masjid India dan Jalan TAR yang seperti biasa ‘sesak bagai’ apabila menjelang musim perayaan. Pernah sekali dulu temankan kawan gegirl shopping dekat berjam-jam cari selendang. 'Time-time' raya baru la nak pakai tudung. Kalau tak jangan harap..

Jalan Masjid India yang sudah lama tidak kukunjungi untuk membeli belah persiapan raya. Biasanya seronok juga temankan kawan-kawan gegirl shopping kt sini. Terasa la juga suasana menjelang hari raya.

Suasana di dalam Jalan Masjid India yang telah mengalami proses penambahbaikan. Walau bagaimanapun, dulu projek ini pernah medapat bantahan qariah Masjid India dan pihak-pihak tertentu kerana menghalang Masjid India yang penuh bersejarah itu daripada pandangan umum dari jarak jauh. Kemudian seingat saya bumbungnya direndahkan sedikit untuk memperlihatkan kembali masjid tersebut.

Inilah dia Jalan TAR yang tersohor segenap penjuru Malaysia apabila menjelang Syawal. Memang sesak bagai. Kalau tak hilang kawan memang tak sah, sebab tu la agaknya gegirl tu pegang tangan kawan masing-masing takut dorang hilang. Walau bagaimanapun, kalau dilihat dengan teliti gegirl tu beli barang Mydin je.

Berikut merupakan antara promosi-promosi yang ada sempena Syawal yang bakal menjelma. Anda semua boleh pilih nak ‘shopping’ kat mana dari yang berbajet rendah macam Sogo ke tempat yang ‘high class’ seperti Pavillion. Emm, kalau nak lagi bajet pegi la downtown dan kalau nak lagi mahal boleh cari kat butik-butik Starhill k. Wah!

1)Sogo KL (7 Sept - 5 Okt)

2) Alamanda Putrajaya (1 Sept - 30 Sept)

3) Mivalley Megamall (15 Sept - 5 Okt)

P/S:Ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan poster ni. Perasan tak yang model wanita diwarnakan. Manakala model lelaki sama warna dengan latar belakang kampung? It's really a brand 'new way' to cherish then. Women get the 'good' and men get the 'old days'. What an old way to discriminate.

4) Metrojaya (18 Sept - 5 Okt)

5) Sunway Pyramid (12 sept - 5 Okt)

6) One Utama (12 Sept - 5 Okt)

7) The Curve (5 Sept - 5 Okt)

8) Berjaya Times Square (9 Sept - 2 Okt)

9) Suria KLCC (5 Sept - 5 Okt)

Sebenarnya banyak lagi promosi sempena Aidilfitri ni. Tapi kita kena la sedar promosi-promosi raya ni tak la semeriah dan sehebat promosi masa Krismas bulan Disember nanti. Jadi pandai-pandai la ‘save’ duit korang untuk ber‘shopping’ sakan hujung tahun ni. I bet uols, it’s more better and cheaper. And all new stock will come out! Kalau terlepas lagi masa Krismas takpe sebab yang betul-betul ‘sale’ sebenarnya masa Tahun Baru Cina bulan Februari tahun depan dan meriahnya tak boleh nak cakap la. Siap penuh dengan dekorasi-dekorasi dari dalam ‘shopping mall’ sampai ke luar. (Err, sebab ape ek? Lu pikir la sendiri). Bye!

~Shop Till You Drop~

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Berusahalah Mencari Lailatul Qadar!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ramadhan Special - Dance Your Way To Heaven

“A secret turning in us
Makes the universe turn.
Head unaware of feet,
And feet head. Neither cares.
They keep turning.”

Curiosity must be an initial respond to this article's title. As there are no dance that lead you to heaven. But for this Ramadhan, let us know and learn something that we doesn't know before. As there are many ways people devoted themselves to the Lord. I shall update this post soon!


What I mean of it is actually this once dance called the Whirling Dervishes or in Malay ‘Putaran Sufi’. The practice of Sufi whirling (or Sufi spinning) is a twirling meditation that originated among Sufis, which is still practiced by the Dervishes of the Mevlevi order. It is a symbolic ritual through which dervishes (also called semazens) aim to reach the "Perfect". They try to desert their nafs, egos or personal (bad) desires by listening (to their master and sufi music), thinking (about God) and whirling which resembles the rotation of other beings such as electrons and planets of the micro and macrocosmos.

The Mevlevi Order or the Mevleviye are a Sufi order founded by the followers of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi, a 13th century Persian poet, Islamic jurist, and theologian, in Konya (now known as Turkey). They are also known as the Whirling Dervishes due to their famous practice of whirling as a form of dhikr (remembrance of Allah). Dervish is a common term for an initiate of the Sufi Path. The Mevlevi, or "The Whirling Dervishes", believe in performing their dhikr in the form of a "dance" and music ceremony called the Sema.

The Sema represents a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through mind and love to "Perfect." Turning towards the truth, the follower grows through love, deserts his ego, finds the truth and arrives at the "Perfect." He then returns from this spiritual journey as a man who has reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole of creation. The Sema was practised in the semahane (ritual hall) according to a precisely prescribed symbolic ritual with the dervished whirling in a circle around their sheikh, who is the only one circling around his axis. The dervishes wear a white gown (symbol of death), a wide black cloak (hirka) (symbol of the grave) and a high brown cap (kûlah), symbol of the tombstone.

The long, white skirts represent the shroud. The Dervishes extend their arms, the right palm faces up and the left palm faces down. Energy from above enters through the right palm, passes through the body and passes through the left palm and into the Earth. The Sheikh represents the sun and the Dervishes represent the planets turning around him in the solar system of Mevlana.

And how colourful they can be!

This is what I mean the dance that bring you to heaven. And I hope it didn't stop here. Rumi's popularity has not dimmed with his age his work is read more widely today than ever before, inspiring readers of all faiths and creeds at the same time guiding the reader along the path of spiritual growth with passion, patience and unflinching clarity!

~Salam Lailatul Qadar~

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ramadhan - The Spiritual Rhapsody

Ya Ramadan!

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind

A blessed month is casting its shadow upon us
A night of this month is better than a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahman
It's a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.

Glory be to Allah who sent Ramadan as a mercy to mankind
Its a purification of our soul, our heart, and our mind
With the most sincere devotion and love we fast
To be cleansed and free from sins of the past

Glorified is He, who choseth this holy month,
To test our sabr and fill our hearts with warmth
Of his Divine Light, His blessings shall glow,
The Seer of the unseen, all He does know

Ya Allah! For thee, let my breath be more pleasant than musk
Ya Allah! For thee, let me be thankful when day turns to dusk
My thoughts and heart are purified, my eyes truly see'
This blessed month, the month of spiritual rhapsody!

Ya Allah! For thee, my life I shall live!
Ya Allah! For thee, my soul I shall give!
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,
Praise be to Allah, who sent Ramadan as a gift to mankind

~Noor Syed~

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tribute to Rumah18

A blog reader like me somehow feel that it is so nice to have my own blog. It’s the matter of time I think. And to have my own blog is not a very hard decision to make as for now I can see that there’s a lot of blogs ‘mushrooming’ through the internet. ‘I want to have my own blog’. That feeling keeps going stronger every time I read blogs. A lot of my friends have their own blogs. They write a lot of things but most of them are writing the same things; everyday’s journal. The personal blog, an ongoing diary or commentary by an individual, is the traditional, most common blog. Personal bloggers usually take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Kind of funny right?

And now I’ve got my laptop. So what? This make works easier for me to write for my blog. Is this mean I can start having my own blog? Nope. Day by day I start developed my own thoughts of what my blog will look like. What is it all about and is it going to make a million hit? I read a lot of blogs everyday and thanks to StumbleUpon toolbar that I have in my IE. It makes my job easier for me to find blogs that suited me well. And not to forget my frequent visit to Technorati; the most popular internet search engine for blogs.

As of June 2008, Technorati indexes 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media. So how can my blog go to the top list? Is it by being like Brent Corrigan; the best bottom ever or by being like Jenna Jameson; the world’s most famous porn star? (Love both!) No way! Even though their weblogs make the highest hit, I still believe that faith is above all. It’s the important thing to remember as a blogger. Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and the mainstream, but some personal blogs quickly garner an extensive following. Blogs often become more than a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life or works of art.

As for now, I’m really happy that I’m one of the Blogosphere. As a reader at least. It takes time for me to make a blog or to even write a post like this. I need to think of many things which are time consuming as I’m not good in writing. Maybe that’s why I got B in Penulisan UPSR. To make worst of all, my SPM was very bad because I can’t translate what I’ve read into words! Same goes in my varsity years. Subjective papers hurts! But when I start writing, I want my writing to be good and inspiring at least by myself.

And now I’m really glad that I’ve got the opportunity to send posts not for my own blog but the one setup by my housemates. At least as a contributor I don’t have to think much about this blog. Let it be. It’s what I always think. But to ignore is too bad. So I take my time for a while to sit on this comfort Ikea’s Jeff chair on 13 of Ramadhan 1429H to make a little contribution for this blog. And I think it’s enough for me and everybody. My job has done now. May a good blog inspire!

This post is a tribute to my housemates especially Lan for his hardworking and got-so-much-time to build up this one kind of blog named as Rumahku Syurgaku. This contributor is currently tied up to his career as a full time master student and his love for
BoingBoing; a directory of wonderful things.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

SALAM RAMADHAN............

Free MySpace Ramadhan



More RAMADHAN graphics

Bersama-samalah kita menunaikan kewajipan berpuasa sebulan disamping menambahkan pahala dengan amal ibadah yang lain.... Mudah-mudahan Allah S.W.T merahmati seluruh warga rumah18 ini serta keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat.....

"Nikmatilah Keindahan Ramadhan ini dengan Ketenangan, Keikhlasan serta Keimanan"

Berita Semasa ( Harian Metro :Sabtu, 06 September 2008 )

Ugut terjun bangunan

JOHOR BAHRU: Akibat putus cinta, seorang lelaki menggemparkan pengunjung sebuah pusat beli-belah di Tebrau City di sini, petang semalam apabila memanjat ke bumbung premis berkenaan sambil membawa pisau dan mengancam untuk terjun.

Bagaimanapun, drama bermula kira-kira jam 3.30 petang itu berakhir 90 minit kemudian apabila lelaki berusia 26 tahun dari Kluang itu menangis dan menyerah diri selepas dipujuk anggota polis dan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat (JBP).

Pegawai Penjaga Balai Bomba Taman Johor Jaya, Jamhari Jumri, berkata pihaknya menerima panggilan telefon daripada orang awam kira-kira jam 3.30 petang sebelum dua jentera dari balai berkenaan dan Johor Bahru dengan kekuatan lapan anggota dan pegawai dikejarkan ke tempat kejadian.

“Apabila tiba, kami mendapati lelaki itu bersenjatakan pisau dan memberitahu jika kekasihnya tidak datang, dia akan terjun. Kami menghubungi kekasihnya beberapa kali, tetapi wanita itu tidak mahu datang ke tempat kejadian kerana enggan terbabit dalam kes itu.

“Bagaimanapun, anggota JBP dan polis dapat menghampiri sebelum memujuknya supaya memikirkan mengenai keluarga dan masa depannya sehingga dia menangis seolah-olah insaf serta tidak melawan ketika menyerah diri dan dibawa turun dari bumbung pusat beli-belah itu kira-kira jam 4.55 petang.

“Lelaki itu dipercayai bertindak demikian kerana putus cinta dan dia turut membaling surat cinta dari atas bumbung pusat beli-belah berkenaan,” katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Johor Bahru Selatan, Asisten Komisioner Zainuddin Yaakob, berkata lelaki terbabit bekerja sebagai peniaga keropok lekor di sebuah pasar raya borong di Plentong dan bertindak demikian kerana kecewa dengan teman wanitanya iaitu penuntut sebuah kolej di Melaka yang berusia 20 tahun.

Beliau berkata, lelaki itu dapat dipujuk dan diselamatkan anggota JBP serta polis dan siasatan awal mendapati dia pernah menjalani rawatan sakit mental di Hospital Permai Tampoi di sini.

Menurutnya, lelaki itu ditahan polis sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak Hospital Permai untuk tindakan susulan.

p/s : Semoga fathi,papa dan seluruh warga rumah18 - tabahkan hati melalui detik2 sukar dalam hidup ini......